Last week, there was this event called Photo-bloggers night, held at Rumba, Le Meredien. Its a night where you got to bring your camera and shoot anything on sight. So there I was, with the gang equipped with our lovely camera and shoot here and there. That night we were accompanied by two lovely models, The winner of recent Female Icon, Miss Kimmy Majalap, and also 2nd Runner-up, Audrey Ambrose..
Well here is the recap of the night..
Them girls checking something down there..
Mr Jackson, in action! He was wondering what the hell am I doing, holding my camera on the table for a slow shutter shots..
I still havent had enuf of slow shuttering, since halloween night. I got this effect which includes Audrey and Edrie..
I saw Mr. No-L was enjoying the band, and the band play quite decent stuff. So I tried to do some sorta effects which shows No-L was enjoying what he sees..
Ok, I herad there was a competition, which includes a Chrome image. So this is my entry for it.. I think it looks good enuf to win*Telca hint-hint* hahaha..
Oh yaa, there were this games which a chosen girl of the club gets to do a model pose infront of all the photographers, and whoever got the crowds on their feet wins.. This here is Tati, doing here stuff! A hot one indeed...!
Another contestant which I failed to get her name.. My usual short term memory problem. Pretty cute aint she..?
And finally, the crowds favorites... Melissa! She shudve join modelling cos she sure do know how to pose! No matter how funny some of it was.. hahah..
And as the ongoing event went on, I keep on searching for idea and do all these weird2 stuff my camera can do..
This effects, I forgot how I did it.. But it looks like as if someone had way too many Long Island shots..
Well, since theres lovely models invlolved, why dont make use of my favorite type of photography. Potraiture. Miss Audrey looking cool here..
And Finally our Icon of the year, Miss Kimmy.. she had something to drink for sure, but we were having so much fun to care.. hahah
Thanks Telca for inviting us to the party.. So sad that they have to cut short the event. But we can do it again next time right,..
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